The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

2008 Camp Quality Motorcyle Ride

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2008 Family Camp Motorcycle Ride

Saturday 9th February 2008

Motorcycles, trikes, sidecars, to carry people of all ages and sizes. If you are a rider with experience carrying pillions, we want you! Little people can’t put their feet securely on the pillion pegs, so we need plenty of sidecars and trikes too.


Saturday 9th February 2007

Rider Registration Required

Please contact
Garry 0403 950 275 OR email Garry

Kath 042 529 4231 OR email Kathy

Book yourself in !
(Download the forms and last year’s story from the box on the right)

Fax forms to: (02) 9869 0188
or snail mail:
Camp Quality
Attention: Janne Hardy and or Jan Steele
Suite 6,44-46 Oxford Street, Epping 2121.

Due to changes in legislation to do with people working with children, registration is now necessary. It is now a requirement to pre-register. Catering is for 100 riders.


“The Tops” Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops
Groups to meet up on the old Princes Highway, Helensburgh, just north of the roundabout with Lawrence Heargraves Drive, outside the golf driving range.


Helensburgh Golf Driving Range


Ride departs Golf Driving Range, Helensburgh at 1.00pm

Those riders doing individual short pillion rides leave first to occupy their allocated area. Then the rest of us will ride to the Conference Centre for a mass arrival – fit’s quite a spectacle for the kids!.

We need around 20 extra non-pillion carrying riders for traffic control to ensure smooth running. Experience preferred.


It’s fun, why else? To bring some zest for life, to give families some cheer. It’s tough going when your child, or your sister or brother is going through cancer treatment.

Due to the success of these events Camp Quality asked us to participate in a slightly different event at Stanwell Park. IN addition to the big loop ride, we will be doing some short, individual rides from 1:30pm to about 2:30pm before the main event leaves at around 3pm, returning for a BBQ around 5pm. Let us know if you would like to do this and have an appropriate machine. The assembled bikes before the main ride is like bringing a motorcycle show to them and they just love it.

The aim is to ensure that all family members are involved as cancer does not just affect the one who is ill, it affects the whole family. Brothers, sisters & parents’ lives are turned upside down with often one parent away with the child undergoing treatment while the household workload remains for the others. Having fun sometimes gets lost in the priority list.

If you cannot pillion on the day, but can offer spare riding gear, this would be most helpful. We have a system to track all gear and a van to secure it. Otherwise, bring it with you on the day, but mark it with a sticker or tag.



Last year, a number of generous donations helped lift the spirits of many. The small size kids helmets shown were donated by the Helmet Warehouse, Yagoona. Wayne Gardner Enterprises donated “show bags” of useful and fun stuff and several motorcycle clubs arrranged some precious prizes, such as special T-shirts.

(contact Kath with sponsorship and donations)