The Motorcycle Council of NSW Incorporated (MCCNSW) is a member-based, not-for-profit, community association, established in 1981.
MCCNSW provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas, and is the hub of management and technical assistance for the motorcycling community in NSW.
MCCNSW represents more than 400 motorcycling-related associations (and ride groups) and the owners/riders of the 285,000 registered motorcycles in NSW to the NSW Government in relation to non-competition riding – for recreation, for commuting, and for work – on road, off-road, and on track.
A key objective of MCCNSW is to support education and advocacy towards improved road safety for motorcyclists (and their pillions) on public roads, reducing road trauma for the people of NSW.
MCCNSW participates in the review and improvement of vehicle standards, vehicle registration, rider training, rider licencing, the compulsory third-party (CTP) Green Slip insurance scheme, enhancing access to public land in national parks and state forests (including on fire trails and single tracks), and participates with a variety of stakeholders in initiatives and campaigns leading to improved road safety outcomes.
MCCNSW organises Motorcycle Awareness Month (MAM) in October each year, with support from Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
MCCNSW is a member of the national peak body, the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC), which provides an avenue for MCCNSW representatives to contribute to reviewing and developing national standards.
Motorcycle Council of NSW
PO Box 517
Parramatta 2124
Ph: 1300 NSW MCC (1300 679 622)
Vincent B – Chair (
Brian Wood
Jason Antony
The Hon. Greg Piper, MP, is the MCCNSW’s Patron. Greg is a keen motorcyclist who has been riding all his life. He owns four motorcycles:
He is the Independent Member for Lake Macquarie and Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly.
As our Patron, Greg works to foster a good public image for motorcycling and motorcyclists and to provide a link between motorcyclists and the government, other authorities and the general public. Since 2019, he has assisted with the organising of the Parliamentarians’ Rides which are part of Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Greg has been an independent voice for the people of Lake Macquarie for more than 30 years, as a Member of Parliament, Mayor and councillor. He has been the State MP for the seat of Lake Macquarie since 2007. Greg has lived on the Morisset peninsula for over 40 years.
We represent motorcycle riders in New South Wales, safeguarding their rights. We promote motorcycling and the interests of motorcyclists.
Contact Info
The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc.
PO Box 517
Parramatta 2124
Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC)
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