The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Careflight Cruise 28//10

Have you ever thought about being taken for a ride in one of these? When you didn’t really want to?

(click on the helicopter to go to Careflight website)

Well, there’s TWO things to do

(1) Sign up for a High Velocity First Aid course, so you know what to do to stabilise the patient until the ambulance or chopper gets there. Learn more about this here I want people who ride with me to know this stuff.

(2) Contribute to the chopper, against the day you, a friend or family member might want it there in a hurry. NRMA provide major sponsorship to keep it in the air, but it’s the little consumable things that need ongoing small level funding.

No, it’s not all paid for by private health insurance. I’m sure glad it’s available ! These are expensive little suckers to run.

Be part of the Yamaha CareFlight Motorcycle Cruise on Saturday 28th October 2006 starting at CareFlight’s Westmead Base and travelling to the CareFlight Central West Base in Orange.

This event will start off with breakfast at the Westmead CareFlight Centre off Redbank Av at around 7.30 am and a departure time of 9am. Whilst having breakfast you will be able to inspect the helicopter and speak to the doctors and crew.

After our departure from Westmead we will travel along The Bells Line of Road to Lithgow and across to Tarana for lunch past Lake Lyle. After lunch a ride to Orange via O’Connell, Perthville, Newbridge, Blayney and Millthorpe before we reach Orange All roads travelled are sealed.

Your entry fee of $80.00 will cover your breakfast at Westmead, Lunch and dinner in Orange and a donation to CareFlight.

Please let the organiser know if you would like to participate in this ride for a great cause so that preparations can take place.

For more details on this event please call Dave Read on 0417607390 or email Careflight here!

OR you can always send a cheque to:-

NRMA CareFlight PO Box 2452 Orange NSW 2800