The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Interstate Events – ACT

ACT Motorcycle Awareness Week

24 – 31 October 2009

MAW Launch

MAW Launch

Saturday October 24

Pink Ribbon Ride

Sunday October 25

Fashion Parade (Bike Gear) & Road Safety Presentation

Thursday October 29

Ride To Work Day

Friday October 30

Bikers Breakfast

Friday October 30

Bike Fest

Saturday October 31

Look out for Joe Rider for a chance to win


When you spot Joe, e-mail
or call Peter 0419 866 126 or Jen 0418 215 336

A joint initiative for the MRA ACT, Ulysses ACT, Got’M, Canberra Riders

Supported by ACT Government