The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

MCC Anywhere

Im in the process of developing a MCC of NSW phone mini-website/app.

The idea is to limit the mini-website/app to only the things that you will want while out on your bike.

Currently it has been created as a phone mini-website with a 480 pixel screen width. The intention for the future is to package the mini-website up into an app so that users will get notifications of updates and be able to download the app rather than copy the files.

Being html based, the files should function on any phone platform however some functionality may not work on all platforms.

To try the mini-website/app out follow the following instructions. Note i would particularly appreciate any feedback from iPhone users as I don’t have access to one for testing.

1 download the zip file below
2 uncompress the file into a new folder with a name such as MCC_Anywhere
3 copy the folder onto your phone
4 using the phones file explorer/manger, navigate to the folder and open the file mobilehome.html in your device’s browser
5 bookmark the page
6 feel happy & satisfied 🙂
