As part of October’s annual Motorcycle Awareness Month 2021, the Motorcycle Council of NSW (MCC of NSW) surveyed motorcyclists to find out what it is like to ride on the roads in NSW. Almost 500 motorcycle riders were surveyed across NSW and asked if they had had any crashes or near misses. 35% said they had a near miss one in every 5 rides, with 23% one in ten rides. 37% of motorcyclists have had to correct their riding to avoid an accident. Most of these riders had the near miss on metro roads during the weekday, between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM. The Chair of MCC of NSW, Kevin ‘Trip’ Henry, said, “What we found interesting was that experience in motorcycle riding did not affect their occurrence of near misses. Most of the riders surveyed (79%) had over ten years riding.” The survey uncovered that in 43.9% of near misses, the driver was driving under 50km/h along a suburban road. These near misses and crashes could have been avoided had the driver followed the road rules and spent more time looking. “Near misses occur 13 times more often than crashes. We know near misses can easily turn into a crash. Every driver we get the message to look out for motorcyclists will help save lives.” said Mr. Henry.
An awareness campaign aimed at drivers to watch for motorcycles is our livestream of Joe Rider, a professional motorcyclist’s work commute. “We are excited about this event. It will really give drivers an experience of riding a motorcycle on busy Sydney roads. Joe Rider will narrate during his rides, sharing the typical mindset of riders negotiating urban roads.” said Mr Henry. This ‘on bike’ livestream will take place twice a week during October’s MAM on the MCC of NSW Facebook page. It will also be saved for non-live viewing.
Our October twice a week Zoom events will discuss common driver complaints and misunderstandings of motorcycling. A driver and a motorcycle representative will conduct these informative events. ‘All drivers are welcome to join the Q&A session with a motorcyclist. This is an open discussion to enhance the message to look out for motorcyclists’, said Mr Henry.
MCC of NSW will be running radio ads in Sydney and regional NSW throughout the month of October.
Mr Henry said, ‘To get our message across to younger drivers across NSW, we will also be running our Spotify advertising campaign through their music and podcasts. It continues the theme to look out for motorcyclists. It gives great tips to help drivers be more aware and look twice for motorcycles throughout October.’
MCC of NSW is a sponsor of the Pink Ribbon Ride. Take part in the virtual ride during October — register here.
Contact Info
The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc.
PO Box 517
Parramatta 2124
Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC)
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