The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

It’s Motorcycle Awareness Month 2022

Hey, its Motorcycle Awareness Month 2022

Organised by The Motorcycle Council of NSW (MCC NSW), every October is Motorcycle Awareness Month. This month is used as a celebration of motorcycling and for drivers to #lookoutformotorcycles.

Each year, several awareness campaigns are used to educate drivers how they can watch out for motorcycles on the road.

The MCC of NSW also organises rides and activities to get riders and their love of motorcycling together.

Join in on the MAM 2022 fun

See how you can take part in the many campaigns and celebrations during Motorcycle Awareness Month:

Jo/Joe Rider Sydney 10th to 14th October 2022

     Radio advertising on KISS 1065 Sydney during this week in October. Drivers are encouraged to tell us on our Facebook page where they saw Jo/Joe Rider riding on Sydney streets to win daily fuel vouchers or the grand prize of a Red Balloon voucher. Please familiarise yourself with the Terms and Conditions of the Jo/Joe Rider promotion.

Motorcycle Awareness Month Joe Rider competition
‘Look out for Joe Rider’ competition

Greg Piper Interview at the 2022 Parliamentarians Ride

Targeting young drivers with Spotify advertising

The MCC of NSW will be advertising on Spotify throughout the month of October.

The ads will be heard through Spotify’s music and podcasts to younger drivers as their in-car listening habits are different.

The ads will provide easy tips to help drivers be more aware and look twice for motorcycles.


NSW Government’s message to drivers

We’ve got Transport NSW on board to help the MCC of NSW get the message to drivers to look out for motorcycles.

Paul O’Toole MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Minister for Police recalls the time he got the call about his son’s motorcycle accident.

Watch the video above


Ask a motorcyclist

Get a better understanding how drivers can look out for motorcycles.

Listen to our Zoom events where we discuss common driver complaints and misunderstandings of motorcycling.

It’s a Q&A session with a driver and a motorcycle representative conducting these informative events.

Listen here


Motorcycle riders experience too many near misses — survey results

As part of our annual Motorcycle Awareness Month last year, the Motorcycle Council of NSW (MCC of NSW) surveyed motorcyclists to find out what it is like to ride on the roads in NSW.

Almost 500 motorcycle riders were surveyed across NSW and asked if they had had any crashes or near misses. 35% said they had a near miss one in every 5 rides, with 23% one in ten rides. 37% of motorcyclists have had to modify their riding to avoid an accident.

Most of these riders had the near miss on metro roads during the weekday, between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM.

Most of the riders surveyed (79%) had over ten years riding experience.

The survey uncovered that in 43.9% of near misses, the driver was driving under 50km/h along a suburban road.

These near misses and crashes could have been avoided had the driver followed the road rules and spent more time looking.

Near misses occur 13 times more often than crashes. We know near misses can easily turn into a crash. Every driver the MCC of NSW gets the message to look out for motorcyclists will help save lives.

Read more here

MAM’s ‘Can you see the motorcycle?’ video

You must watch this video.  With their small and narrow profile, it demonstrates how easily motorcycles can be missed by drivers and trucks.

MCC of NSW developed this video in conjunction with Greg Piper MP, Member of Parliament for Lake Macquarie, an avid motorcyclist, and Patron of MCC of NSW.

We ask drivers that when they next get into the drivers seat, that they #lookoutformotorcycles. 

Every driver who gets this message will help save lives.


Radio ads

MCC of NSW will be running radio ads in Sydney and regional NSW throughout the month of October.

Look Out for Riders 1

Audio Player

Look Out for Riders 2

Audio Player

Look Out for Riders 3

Audio Player

Look Out for Regional Riders

Audio Player

Further details