The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Motorcycle Safety

The last and only Staysafe Inquiry into motorcycle safety was in 1986. Much has changed since then. There were no funds for motorcycle safety at all back then and little has changed.

Whilst riders cannot wait for the government to remedy this situation, the MCC of NSW is seeking to drive this initiative with the Motorcycle Council road safety website. This site is for riders and others with an interest in improving motorcycling safety.

The site is part of the MCC’s strategic plan, Positioned for Safety, for a systematic approach to motorcycle safety based on evidence. Positioned for Safety is the result of consultation with riders, the motorcycle industry, road safety researchers, local government and state government agencies. It provides a framework and direction for the MCC and other stakeholders to improve road safety for motorcyclists.

The aim is to enable riders:
1. To become informed participants in the motorcycle safety debate.
2. To take part in setting the agenda and driving issues pro-actively on behalf of motorcyclists rather than simply reacting to government policy decisions.

Please visit the Motorcycle Council road safety website for more information.