The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

AUS Motorcycles

A Christian Motorcycle Club that shares the momentous news of Jesus with bikers and others who choose to listen.

Where can I get cheaper CTP?

While motorcyclists in NSW have good reason to complain about the high price of greenslips (CTP), State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) have pointed out that many riders are paying more… Continue reading Where can I get cheaper CTP?

I’m looking for a motorcycle club to join

The Motorcycle Council has over 60 affiliated clubs, so this is a good place to start.

I have a question that is not addressed here…

Feel free to contact the Motorcycle Council of New South Wales. Our phone number is 1300 NSW MCC (1300 679 622) and our email is

What is motorcycle lane filtering?

Motorcycle lane filtering is when a motorcycle rider moves between stationary or slow moving vehicles in the same lane.

Why change the law?

The motorcycle community has for some time sought to have lane filtering made legal, arguing that it: is safe has the potential to help ease traffic congestion, especially with the… Continue reading Why change the law?

How was the lane filtering trial developed?

On 18 October 2012, the Minister for Roads and Ports announced that there would be a trial of motorcycle lane filtering in the Sydney CBD. TfNSW led the trial, which… Continue reading How was the lane filtering trial developed?

What was the purpose of the trial?

The purpose of the trial was to investigate the impact of allowing motorcyclists to legally lane filter on traffic congestion and road safety. Some questions which needed to be looked… Continue reading What was the purpose of the trial?

Were there any crashes during the trial?

There were no crashes in the trial zone during the two-month trial.

What did the trial find?

TfNSW has identified that: Despite being (at the time) illegal, lane filtering is often practised on NSW roads. Lane filtering is a relatively low risk riding activity for motorcyclists when… Continue reading What did the trial find?