The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Breakfast Torque 2007

Breakfast Torque, Sunday 28th October, 2007 8am to 11am. Loftus Oval, Princes Highway Loftus. Free breakfast for riders, Motorcycle safety gear fashion show, Displays, Win great prizes, Lots of bikes.… Continue reading Breakfast Torque 2007

Molong Ride 2007

Molong Ride, Sunday 28th October, 2007 Molong, 20 minutes North of Orange, 12 midday onwards Simply get your mates together and ride as a group to arrive in Molong on… Continue reading Molong Ride 2007

Macquarie Pass Info Day

Sat 27th October 2007Saturday 27th October 200711am to 12 midday Coffee and pies at the Robertson Pie Shop Have you noticed the work done on McPass?It’s getting safer for riders… Continue reading Macquarie Pass Info Day


Friday 2nd November Safety Evening, Erina Library, 6pm to 7.30pm This is a safety evening organised by Erina Library with the support of the Central Coast Motorcycles and the Central… Continue reading Erina