The Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Letter Writers List Signup

Short blurb here about the Letter Writers List

Very low volume, only 6 or 8 mails per year. We’ll use your postcode to selectively send you information that targets your local, state, or federal electorate where relevant. We’ll use the “Issues that matter to you” to avoid sending you requests about areas you’re not interested in.

* = required field.*Email:



Issues that matter to you:
Off Road (registered)
Off Road (unregistered)

We’ll send you a confirmation email to the address you supplied. The confirmation will come from, check your spam filters if it doesn’t arrive promptly.

What this is about

(this is copy and pasted from a suggestion by Ktulu/Chris)

We are seeking improvements to how two-wheeled transportation is handled, for the benefit of motorcyclists and scooter riders in NSW – and we’d like your help.
Our goals/aim/mission can be found Here (link to MCC goals).

“To make some change, you must make some noise.”

If you would like to be contacted occasionally with specific information and instructions on who to write to (politicans, members of parliament, journalists, etc), as part of an organised group for some effective grass-roots lobbying, please put your contact details and some basic information in the fields below.

Your details will not be publically available, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you have ever wanted to write a letter and wished 10,000 other people were yelling at the same person, and asking for the same thing: this is the opportunity to be a part of that crowd.

We would love to have your help, and look forward to getting much bigger and noisier this year.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please ask your MCC delegate (most likely the person who gave you this link) to address them.